The classic comedy by A A Milne, The Dover Road, first performed in New York in 1921, and in London in 1922, was presented at the Jermyn Street Theatre in September/October 2016. It was directed by award-winning actress Nichola McAuliffe and featured Patrick Ryecart, Stefan Bednarczyk, Georgia Maguire, Tom Durant-Pritchard, Katrina Gibson, James Sheldon and Gareth McLeod. This production marked both the 60th anniversary of Milne's death in 1956 and the 90th anniversary of the publication of his most famous creation, Winnie-the-Pooh.
“Nichola McAuliffe's direction creates quirky, near-hyperreal performances and, like an Agatha Christie mystery meets a Woody Allen sex comedy, she highlights a post-suffragette edge bubbling under the period rah-rah. An inspired interpretation of an inspired play, this will appeal to older theatregoers, but a younger audience will find much to enjoy too.”
The Stage * * * *
“A masterful comedy of manners that really should come round more often.”
The Stage * * * *
This 1920s revival proves an appealing vehicle for inspired comic performances.”
The Stage * * * *
“Nichola McAuliffe’s handsome production… The cast carry it off with aplomb.” The Times
“The play hints at an astringency beneath Milne’s deceptive mildness and proves he was much more than a creator of childhood archetypes.”
The Guardian * * * *
“Among the lovers two performances stand out. Georgia Maguire has just the right bright-eyed fervour as the misleadingly amorous Anne and James Sheldon as Nicholas captures the square-jawed, pipe-smoking bewilderment of a man out of his romantic depth.”
The Guardian * * * *
“… excellently directed by Nichola McAuliffe.” The Guardian * * * *
“Patrick Ryecart plays Mr Latimer, who seems to pre-empt one of those providential figures so beloved of Priestley, and does so in a style of amused eccentricity patented by Edward Fox. Ryecart is also very good at conveying the pathos and futility of elderly infatuation.”
The Guardian * * * *
“Nichola McAuliffe throws in a number of neat comedy touches, which an excellent cast make the most of, and PJ McEvoy’s sumptuous drawing room set sends out an instant message that the production will not be short of quality… It is hard to see how it could have been done any better.” Reviews Hub * * *
“The Dover Road is a quaint museum piece, but this revival is mounted with such obvious affection that it becomes very difficult to dislike…” Reviews Hub * * *
“As Latimer, Patrick Ryecart is an urbane manipulator… it is a delicious performance.” British Theatre Guide
“Stefan Bednarczyk… also contributing considerably to creating atmosphere with his forays on the piano, mainly Mozart, absolutely in key with the comedy, and a delightful rendition of Noël Coward’s “Forbidden Fruit”. British Theatre Guide
“Perhaps we take theatre too seriously sometimes. Comedies like this were once a staple as musicals seem to be today and a little light entertainment doesn’t go amiss when played as attractively as here. It may not be profound but McAuliffe ensures it all has a light touch and punctilious timing.” British Theatre Guide
“This is one of the best-staged pieces I’ve seen at Jermyn Street – the chalkboard effect set by P J McEvoy is both stylised and substantial and the furniture is just beautiful – someone’s lovely house must have been denuded for the run. It’s a charming piece of vintage comedy but the central premise that lovers need to test the marital waters before commitment, is universal. A sweet theatrical chestnut.” * * * *
“This characteristically light comedy from 1921 calls to mind Noël Coward — and especially Private Lives, which it predates by nearly a decade… The production is affectionate… with moments of wit and charm.” Evening Standard * * *
PJ McEvoy’s plush set is brilliantly evocative of the period and mood on that limited stage with great fun in the lighting of James Smith… It is so expertly produced, staged and acted that one has to enjoy theatre so well done. LondonTheatreviews * * *
It is the expert direction and brilliant acting that makes this a quality production which suits one’s curiosity of seeing Milne as a playwright. LondonTheatreviews * * *
“Utterly delightful…” Remotegoat * * * *
“Especially wonderful are Patrick Ryecart as the eccentric Mr Latimer and the lovely Stefan Bednarczyk who plays the piano in his own special comedy style.” Remotegoat * * * *
“It has been directed with care and humour by Nichola McAuliffe and the set design by PJ McEvoy is absolutely stunning. This is a high class production of a delightful play by one of the almost-forgotten playwrights of the twenties and thirties whose witty plays should be revived much more often.” Remotegoat * * * *